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Whenever we are in the 'marching-line' (during procession and recession), choristers must note that we are performing and so related performance manners apply.

1. We move uniformly. If you can't correct your steps when you are moving differently from your colleagues, work on it or don't join the line.

2. Don't drag your feet, you will make noise.

3. Be in a comfortable and a prescribed foot wear.

4. You don't exchange pleasantries, especially with your hands. If you always respond to pleasantries, you will always receive them. This isn't a good practice.

5. Avoid talking in the line.

6. You don't hold your hymn book with one hand and put the other at your back.

7. You don't use an 'electronic hymn book' (phones and tablets) while the choir is using a 'paper hymn book'.

8. Don't march and sing/read from the projector while the song is in the hymn book.

9. Don't march with your hand bags.

10. Don't pack your hymn books when the marching song is not in it. There is a proper way of handling the hymn book.

11. If the choir or 'gender' forms the line in a descending order, you must always be in front of somebody you are taller than; and if the choir or  'gender' forms the line in an ascending order, you must always be in front of somebody you are shorter than -  regardless of your age or office; unless otherwise specified.

12. Always make sure you march to the stalls (where the choir sits) or the vestry. Don't walk fast to reach there if the person in front of you has reached there. The person behind you may do same; and this may distort the line.

13. When you arrive in the stalls, it's advisable to finish singing the marching hymn, and sometimes even the introit and opening hymns, before you look for your bags or you reposition yourselves.

Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong


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