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Don't be surprised if your lead singer turns 'mumu' before your major performance; and you realize that you are responsible for it.

Most choirs have a week-long choir rehearsal prior to a major performance or occasion; this week-long practice is mostly held in the last week to the event or the week in which the event will take place.

While some choirs are able to achieve their aim(s), others fail.
Some choirs just do a week-long rehearsal because they think that is the time they can really achieve their objectives; some also do it because others have been doing it, without knowing it's implications.
However, it will be very good if you accomplish your task before the last week, so that there will be no week-long rehearsal.

The last week to the event is usually packed with other preparatory activities,in that, when you include a week-long practice, you may end up paralyzing your choir. Last-minutes choristers also appear during this period and so if you aren't careful, you will be teaching/learning a whole song again, instead of may be, just tackling some specific sections of the song or the performance.

Choristers are advised to play their roles and responsibilities so that the task will be accomplished early to avoid the last minutes rehearsals. Any chorister who doesn't qualify to perform must be excluded from the performance list.

Choir masters/leaders must also put in their quota to achieve the task in other to avoid the week-long rehearsal. Some choir masters/leaders are not able to manage practice periods and so much is wasted; this can result in a week-long rehearse or even two-week-long.

The last week to your major performance should rather be a reformation/restoration period for your choir. It should be a time to gain lost energy and a resting period. Resting period in the sense that workload is minimized to your usually weekly load.

However, there may be instances, where you will genuinely require extra practice days/periods in the last week. When it happens like this, you must tackle the specific problems only and not what they know already.

If you load your choristers in the last week to a major performance, you only put loads on their vocal chords. Some of your choristers may loose (some of) their vocal qualities; others may loose their voices completely and everything will return to zero.

Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong



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