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The season is here again and the big question is how well are you protecting your voice? The Harmattan season is usually a dry and dusty period associated with low humidity. Obviously, we all see the harshness this weather pose to the hair and the skin; what about our 'internal systems'? Studies have shown that some micro-organisms that cause diseases increase during harmattan period. The season comes with dust that can trigger asthma and bronchitis attacks as well as cause cold, cough, catarrh, and even meningitis - all these will affect the voice. The greatest harm caused to singers during this season is dehydration - loss of liquid in our system.

Beyonce announced the cancellation of a show in Belgium. The May 14, 2013 show was cancelled under doctor’s orders, reportedly due to “exhaustion and dehydration.” There are many important reasons to stay hydrated for general health, but for musicians – particularly vocalists – hydration is a key to success. In order for your body to function properly, hydration is vital.
As singers, we can buy throat sprays, suck on lozenges, drink special teas that are supposed to coat the throat. We can even drink peppermint to calm jittery stomachs, or other drinks we may think will relax our throats. We take vitamin and mineral supplements and avoid dairy to keep from coating our throats. But do you know the most important (and most neglected) nutrient we need for our voices? It is water. Our bodies are made of 70% water, and hydration affects every organ and cell in your body!
Again, as singers and speakers, we depend on the flexibility and elasticity of the tissues, membranes, muscles and cartilages in our throat. We need water and lots of it. No liquid ever touches the vocal cords directly on its way down. You are not lubricating the vocal cords with the sip that you just took, although the swallowing itself does have a lubricating effect. To truly lubricate the vocal cords and the larynx, the water must go through your entire system.
The human voice is very dependent upon water. Dehydrated vocal cords (folds) are not as flexible and able to thin as hydrated ones. These folds are so small and their operation so exact (or not), a little dehydration can result in a large dent in your vocal ability in any given performance. And the very use of the vocal cords causes them to lose moisture to the air.
Hydration for Singing  need to take extra precautions, because your entire body is your instrument. With excessive use, vocal cords can be easily damaged, as they are made of extremely delicate tissue.
If you allow yourself to become dehydrated, your voice may suffer.
Whether we are speaking, singing, or humming, the sound is created by the vibration of our vocal folds. Mucus protects these vocal cords, and staying hydrated ensures that everything is working properly. If you are even slightly dehydrated, your vocal fold tissues may become dry and even permanently injured.
However, simply drinking water right before a performance is not good enough! In order to keep your vocal folds truly hydrated, you need to be drinking water throughout the day. Keeping hydrated will also help to keep your throat and mouth lubricated, making speaking and articulation easier as well.
So how much is enough? The answer is that it depends. You don't have to drink more when you can't take it. Visit the nearest health facility for proper treatment, if necessary.
Chioma Obinna (2015)
Dr. Reena Gupta (n. d.)
Judy Rodman (2009)
Shanika (2016)
Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong


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