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During one evening performance, it was 'itchy', when the chorister standing in front of me killed a mosquito, with his hands. This was a chorister standing right under the microphone; imagine what the outcome was. Now, the congregation was stretching necks, looking for the mosquito killer.

It is simple, during performances, do nothing to distract it; exchanging pleasantries while processing or recessing is a distraction to the performance.

The line of choir, clergy, bible readers, and other leaders of a church, walking into the church building to begin a service is known as a procession. When they are matching out of the building at the end of a service, it is known as the recession. Both the procession and recession are done orderly – and so all parties in the line must move orderly. 
The procession and recession are part of the liturgy and must be treated solemnly as any other section of the liturgy. For the chorister, the procession and recession are also performances and so all performance ethics must apply.

Mostly, when in the line, choristers turn to greet their family and friends; while others shake hands, others wave back; and others even stop singing and exchange words. These practices aren’t the best because they create a distraction to the performance.

However, when your eye balls accidentally eye meet someone else's, a smile will do. You don't consciously have to locate someone in the congregation and exchange pleasantries.

Your pastors and/or others following the 'procession/recession' may be greeting everybody, but not you - the chorister.


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