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In the streets of Ghana today, politicians are talking about *kalyppo*.

*Kalyppo* a brand name of a fruit juice that contains no preservatives. It is pasteurized and packed in aseptic, disposable/environment friendly packing, under strict controlled conditions as certified by HACCP. This ensures that *Kalyppo* juices reach you in near natural condition.

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points; and it is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and physical hazards in production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe, and designs measurements to reduce these risks to a safe level.

As music lovers, it may interest us to know that  *Kalyppo* and the other fruit juices contain vitamins and other nutrients that are good for our vocal health.

However, a lot of these fruit juices are chemicalized and turn to make the juices irritants. They irritate our throats whenever we drink them, causing gradual damages to our vocal health.

It is advisable to buy and drink _*natural fruit drinks*_ than the _*fruit-flavored drinks*_.

#oneKalyppo #onePeace

Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong


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