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In Africa, when we talk about music, we are talking about drumming, singing, and dancing.

It is very pathetic to see choristers refusing to dance when they are singing 'danceable songs'; they expect their audience to dance, while they aren't... When it happens like this, then there is an expression problem.

At least, the  'pendulum dance' - the left & right movement - with expression could do.

Today, apart from the pendulum dance, there has been the introduction of choreographed movements during choral performances.

However, some choirs over do it during performances and as a result, it is either their choristers loose focus; loose energy to sing or the audience only concentrate on those dances - and be expecting the next movement.

It is good to note that the choirs that are able to blend singing with choreographed dances on stage do it with discipline. They dedicate time to learn them and know which movement is suitable for what song.

Nobody is just called in front to bring his or her movements; The choristers don't do anything contrary to what the leader is doing; The leader of the dances does not do anything to disturb the conductor or interfere with his conducting; nothing is done to draw the audience's attention from the songs (the message/communication).

We dance what we sing.

Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong


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