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Every song you choose for an occasion must be in line with the occasion or the theme for that purpose.

Most choirmasters/church leaders/preachers choose liturgical hymns because probably they it's common to the congregation. The most annoying part is that the preacher chooses hymns all because they are his/her favorite hymns.

All though the hymn  'Jesus keep me near the cross' is a Christian song, you can't use it for a service with the theme 'God be praised', it is offside.

Liturgical songs reinstate the theme for the service and so if church members miss/forget the word, the songs can put them back on track.

Most choir masters hear songs being performed by other choirs and they quickly teach their choirs to perform them. You should be mindful the song relates to the theme for the day.
From your procession to recession, you must make sure all hymns are in line with the theme.

It is also important that praise team leaders work with the church's almanac; and be able to choose most songs related to the theme for service. Randomly, some of them do 'change my destiny songs'  when the theme is about 'Christ was Crucified'.... They don't even do praise songs.

Choir masters should ensure liturgical songs are always in tune with the theme ; it is our duty to do so. Even if the hymns were given by Osofo, you must comment, politely, on them if they are offside.

Today, most churches use an almanac which contains hymns as well. We are to note that those hymns are just suggested hymns and so as choir masters, we can alter/change them to suit the service, if the need be:  informing/consulting your authorities/Osofo isn't a bad idea.
After all, professionally most church leaders don't know that the choir master is in-charge of the liturgical hymns; likewise, some choir masters don't know they are in-charge of liturgical hymns; they think theirs is to receive and just rehearse them (an order from above).

Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong


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