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Some of our accompanists (pianists & organists) open the volume of their combo so loud that we don't hear what is being sung.

Sometimes, even at choir practice, the volume is the same; and choristers may be afraid to complain not complain at all.

Loud noise (from music or other sources such as machinery or jet engines) can cause both temporary and permanent hearing loss.

Apart from its health implications, the loud sound of the combo will compete with the volume of your singers; you may not hear them sing, even if they are singing correctly.

Most organist play loud because they say they can't hear what they play.

The best way to use combo is to position in such a way that you, the organist, will have a direct feedback; by this, you can hear the particular volume you need well. Don't just position it directly on the choristers. 

The speakers on the keyboard, sometimes serve as monitors, to give us a feedback on what we play, but sometimes, we fix the 'jack cable' n the 'phones port' to block it.

If it happens like this, you can get monitors (or a particular combo) to aid you to get sound feedback.

If your instrument has an additional sound
OUTPUT (R & L/L+R), at the back, it's advisable to fix your 'jack cable' there so as to get a feedback from you keyboard's speakers also.

It is best to use a combo but let's always balance the volume with the 'human power' of our choristers.
This applies to other instrumentalists too.

Kingsley J.E.K Acheampong


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